November 7, 2016

  • Life Behind Bars and Freedom

    Suffering the vagaries of ageing, I thought I might need to start thinking about giving up mountain biking. I'd had a couple of injuries that had undermined my confidence which led to a couple of stupid accidents and then my neck developed a chronic condition that made me generally feel about 100 years old. But, when Sally bought a new bike with better suspension and bigger tires, I got the brilliant idea that all I needed was a new bike.

    Mike at first poo-pooed the idea, saying all I needed to do was replace the fork on my 12 year-old Intense Spider, to achieve the same comfort level Sally had on her new Spider. Somehow, it didn't seem wise to sink hundreds of dollars into an old bike, even though it had been carefully maintained. So, what began as an internet search for a fork that would fit the old bike, evolved into a halfhearted search for a new bike. This beauty presented itself, an end-of-year close out deal, and the decision was made.


    I could bore you to tears with a description of its technical wondrousness but suffice it to say, that big six-inch Pike fork was just what the doctor ordered for my sore neck.

    Last weekend, Sally and I rode the Motorcycle Trails. We had pretty much stopped riding this heart-stopping trail since I'd wrecked on it and sprained my ankle; but emboldened by our new and improved rides, we couldn't resist. The last descent on that roller-coaster of a trail is a long, steep, overgrown track that invites a rider to let gravity and momentum  have their way; damn the rocks, full speed ahead! There's a gate at the bottom that requires one to slide into a sideways stop like a ten-year old on a Stingray. It's not really mandatory but it does seem like the proper exclamation point at the end of that run. Breathless with exertion and excitement, Sally announced that it was THE MOST FUN she'd had all week. "Better than sex?' I asked her. (we're both old, married women just in case you missed the humor in that question) She promptly decided that we would name that section of trail BTS.

    After such an exciting ride, it was time for some more soothing activity and there's nothing that soothes my soul like a walk in the wash with my dogs. The end of Daylight Savings Time afforded an extra hour of preparation this morning, and I had the day off, so I took may camera along. And now, I'll take you along:


    This time of year, the brush looks dead, and some of it is; but the spring rains will turn everything green again come January.


    Some clever trail maker has stacked cairns to lead the uninitiated to the remains of the old railroad easement.


    Molly scans the wash for chaseables.


    The remains of one of the old railroad bridges.




    A tired rock.


    An oasis in the desert.


Comments (7)

  • I am glad to read that you are on the go again. I chuckled at the tired rock. Good one!, The picture below that is wonderful. I could see it on a card or calendar, it's lovely.
    Until next time, may the sun stay on your shoulders, the wind in your hair, and adventure always beckoning you Forward.

  • I've been thinking about you recently, especially hearing the story of discovering the sand on the construction site! Glad to hear you're riding again, but do be careful! Love the cairns photo and the oasis!

  • Glad to see you are back on the trails again and with new wheels too! I love the photo safari and that last photo is a delight! It looks like a calendar photo for "Finding the Zen"

  • Loved the walk through. The tired rock. So funny. I love walks in the desert too. It's a good thing to keep on biking, I think. :)

  • Hey, Judyrutrider: A Long time. Wow! I'd like to see the trail you went on for those pictures. That's dry looking country. A RR bridge across a dry creek. The country here in western Montana is very green, thanks much more rain than usual around here. We've gotta mow the grass again, before the snow (any moment now?)to have less brown grass next spring. Hey, about a year ago I asked you for the xanga address to pay my bill. It worked, But I lost the address, and once again, I am wondering why why why I find it so hard to figure out how to pay them. "Manage your (xanga) account" only tells me that I'm overdue and locked out but provides NO way to pay. Would you be so kind as to send me that xanga address again? Glad You are riding the ruts again.

  • Compliments for this confy bike .
    Those bikes rides in the mountains allow you to watch remakable landscapes .
    Thanks to share them with us.

  • @Crystalinne: It appears that I failed to respond to your kind comments on this post. Is that possible? Has Xanga stopped notifying us when we have comments?
    So sorry! Thank you.

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